We messed up making the slides visible to the Livestream audience so here is the slide deck:

Dr Ben Bocchicchio, Double PhD gives his updated talk on diabetes, and blood sugar dysregulation weaving in his expertise on exercise physiology and the power of the muscle system which he has been studying and implementing for almost 5 decades.

Dr Ben, one of the 1st ’gym’ owners who helped develop the concept of a mutli-machine/exercise gym, and a past clinical program manager for multiple medical systems/programs, for the therapeutic benefits of building muscle with specific, slow maximum resistance training/ exercise the SMaRT Ex program. He has always recommended a ’controlled carb’/lower carb nutrition program.

His presentation is only half of this video, and the other half is a very compelling group Q&A, Answers by Dr Ben, our gracious host, Jeff Kotterman – the Director of the National Association of Sports Nutrition, answers and asks questions, and a few answers given by Dr Brian Lenzkes, and LowCarbUSA’s Doug Reynolds

Thanks to our host at TriSystems Center!