This episode of Fitness with FreeStyle Diabetes features Vanessa Haydock, Diabetes Health Coach and Personal Trainer, who shares her journey and past health complications as someone with Type 1 diabetes. She also demonstrates the simple steps beginners, like her client Sarah, can take to incorporate squats and planks into exercise routines. Squats are good for building lower body and glute strength, which can help with other areas such as taking pressure off the lower back. Planks will help to build strength, posture, and flexibility and can improve your overall fitness.

Beginner Squat Routine
– Choose the option that you’re most comfortable with
– Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps
– Repeat 2-3 times a week and build up to daily if you can

Beginner Plank Routine
– Choose the option that you’re most comfortable with
– Work your way up to the full plank
– Hold for 15 seconds or as long as you can
– Repeat 2-3 times a week and build up to daily if you can

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